In order to enable our school students to get to know the region better, “Çankırı`s Tourism Values Trip” was organized. 52 of our students, our School Principal Dr. Mikail KARA, our Vice Principal Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayhan DAĞDEVİREN, our academicians Assist. Prof. Dr. Yusuf Ziya AKBAŞ and Assist. Prof. Dr. Çağrı SÜRÜCÜ participated in the trip. Within the scope of the trip, Salt Cave, Historical Laundry Museum, Hazımiye Soda Shop, Ferit Akalın Radio and Communication Museum, Çankırı Culture House, Kasım Bey Madrasah, Sultan Süleyman Mosque, Çivitçioğlu Madrasah, Buğday Pazarı Madrasah and Çankırı Museum were visited. We would like to thank our Rector Prof. Dr. Harun ÇİFTÇİ, the Mayor of Çankırı, İsmail Hakkı ESEN and the officials of the visit places who provided information and provided all kinds of convenience during the trip.